16 The Quantocks, Flitwick, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK45 1TQ (Show me directions) Show Map
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We are a small family business established in 1986 in Bedfordshire. Our purpose built limousine has been extended to allow more legroom and an extra row of seats, the doors open a full 180° to give plenty of room for the fullest of gowns and the huge 4' x 4' sunroof provides fantastic photographic opportunities. The interior is finished in high quality beige leather with walnut wood trim. Our vast experience together with this truly stunning limousine makes us the perfect choice for your weddin
We are a small family business established in 1986. Our stunning 1930’s style Limousine is finished in midnight blue and ivory with walnut and beige leather interior, it is fitted with a huge 4'x4' sunroof, making this the ideal wedding car. Our vast experience together with a limousine second to none makes us the perfect choice for your special day. Viewing highly recommended. ... ...
Vintage Limousine Wedding Car Hire
Vintage Limousine Hire is a small, local, family business established in 1986. This 1930's vehicle has been purposely built for wedding hire, the body has been extended to allow more legroom and an extra row of seats, the doors open a full 180° to give plenty of room for the fullest of wedding gowns and the huge 4' x 4' sunroof provides fantastic photographic opportunities. The interior is finished in high quality beige leather with walnut wood trim. Our vast experience together with this truly stunning car makes Vintage Limousine Wedding Car Hire the perfect choice for your special day.
Mr Martin Rawlings